Artist Statement for Where have all the wildflowers gone?

Once upon a time every flower in the world was a wildflower…

Today, over 90% of the native plants that blossomed on our planet for millions of years are gone, including our wildflowers. This also means the animal species dependent upon wildflowers for food and shelter have been decimated. No creature, bee, butterfly, bird or human can fight off the challenge of a virus if they are also stressed by the lack of food and habitat or weakened by quantities of chemicals.

But the story is not all doom and gloom…

This exhibition is a message of hope. The art works are hailing the virtues of wildflowers as perhaps a simple yet humble solution to a very complex environmental issue. As an educator and eco-artist I am inviting the viewer to see the wildflowers up close and personal from a renewed perspective and to add a fourth R (Rethink) to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.